Heraeus High Accuracy Thin Film Element Class A PT100 For RTD Sensor
High Accuracy Thin Film Element is a temperature sensor that uses a thin metal layer deposited on a substrate.
Heraeus High Accuracy Thin Film Element Class A PT100 For RTD Sensor
薄膜铂热电阻芯片是划时代温度传感器发展的产物. 采用最先进的高科技方法, 如激光喷镀, 显微照相和平版印刷. 阻值以数字微调方式微调, 从而提供最准确的电阻
● Product performance meets the standards of IEC751-1995 and JIS1604,●Temperature coefficient R100/R0=1.3851.● After strictly picking up and indicating the exact value of each element at 0 centigrade.● Film Pt thermal resistance element with ceramic and platinum specially made to maintain excellent stability under high temperature, 适合使用在 -70 C~6OO温度。通过激光将铂膜溅射在陶瓷表面, thus the thin film platinum thermistor element has good anti vibration and anti shock properties.● The surface of the film is covered with ceramics, 因此元件能承受高电压并具有良好的绝缘性.

1.具有快速热响应, reducing dynamic error.2.small diameter, no limit on length.3.high measuring accuracy4.imported film resistor with high reliability and stability
●温度系数: TCR=3850ppm/K
●温度范围: B级: -70 C -600 C A级: -50 C, -300, 1/3从: 0—150 丙级
●电线: 镀铂镍丝
●规格: 你的一个 60751 (符合IEC751)
●尺寸: 2.3毫米 * 2.1毫米×0.9毫米 (长×宽×高) 线长10mm
●长期稳定性: R0漂移小于 0.04% (500 摄氏度, 1000 几个小时以后)
●抗振等级: 至少 40g 加速度 (10-2000赫兹)
●绝缘电阻: > 100M欧米茄, 20 摄氏度, > 2M欧米茄, 500 C
●冲击等级: 至少100g加速度 (波后8.5mS)
●自热系数: 0.4K / 毫瓦 (0 C)
●响应时间: 水@0.4m/s t0.5=0.05S t0.9=0.15S 空气@2m/s t0.5=3.0S t0.9=10.0S
●环境条件: 无保护时只能在干燥环境下使用
●测量电流: PT100 0.3- 最大限度 1 嘛

准确性 | 偏差误差 | 抗偏差(0 ℃) | (A)(欧姆/欧姆/℃) |
1/3乙 | +/-(0.1+0.0017t) | +/-0.04 欧姆 | 0.003851+/-0.000004 |
A | +/-(0.15+0.002t) | +/-0.06 欧姆 | 0.003851+/-0.000005 |
乙 | +/-(0.3+0.005t) | +/-0.12 欧姆 | 0.003851+/-0.000012 |
2乙 | +/-(0.6+0.01t) | +/-0.25 欧姆 | 0.003851+/-0.000024 |

