显示 10-18 个结果(共 83 个结果)

  • 温度传感器 6*76.2mm PT100 K型 R...

    PT100 K型

  • thermocouple for cement plant

    K-type waterproof and wear-resistant carbon furnace thermocouple for cement plant

  • thermocouple probe head in platinum and rh...

    thermocouple probe head in platinum and rhodium, 225 mm Temperature sensor, work 0 ~ 1300 ℃, for air conditioning, power plant

  • -20~80c 温度仪表集成...

    温度传感器是一种测量温度并将其转换为电信号的装置. 广泛应用于工业, 商业的, 和住宅应用.

  • 0-1600 S型陶瓷热电偶.


  • 1/6 螺纹 M6 螺纹探头热电偶温度...

    螺旋探头热电偶: 带有螺纹探头的温度传感器,用于测量固体材料和液体的温度.

  • 1200 Degree Stainless Steel Temperature Pr...

    温度探头传感器是一种用于在各种应用中测量温度的设备. 探头通常是一个小, 线性形状的装置,可以插入被测材料中以提供准确的温度读数.

  • 1700 degree c small platinum rhodium tempe...

    A platinum rhodium thermocouple is a high-precision device that measures temperature using two different metal wires. One wire is made of platinum, and the other is made of rhodium.

  • 1800 degree High Temperature Sensor S/B/R ...

    A platinum rhodium thermocouple is a high-precision device that measures temperature using two different metal wires. One wire is made of platinum, and the other is made of rhodium.