135C 40W/M 230v Frostskydd Rörvärmesystem Självreglerande värmespårkabel

Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable is a heating cable that adjusts temperatures based on heat requirements, suitable for freeze protection, and temperature maintenance in industrial applications.


Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable

Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable

The self-controlled temperature, self-limiting temperature) electric tracing belt (also known as self-controlled temperature electric tracing belt in other countries) is widely used in pipeline, tank heat insulation, anticoagulation, antifreeze, floor heating, trench snow melting, and other fields in oil, natural gas, construction, medicin, mat, emicals, iron and steel, electric power, and other industrial enterprises. The electric tracing band is suitable for general areas, dangerous areas, and corrosion areas.
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
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Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable
Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable

1 recension för 135C 40W/M 230v Frostskydd Rörvärmesystem Självreglerande värmespårkabel

  1. Sophia

    The heat tolerance of this cable has left a deep impression, highly satisfied!

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