PTFE/PFA/FEP insulation J//K/T type compensating/ extension thermocouple cable wire
Thermocouple cable is a type of specialized wire that is used to connect thermocouples to temperature monitoring devices. It consists of two different metals twisted together to create a voltage that changes in response to temperature changes.
PTFE/PFA/FEP insulation J//K/T type compensating/ extension thermocouple cable wire
Termočlen je običajno uporabljen senzor za merjenje temperature. Žica in kabel za termočlene in temperaturne senzorje sta pomemben del konstrukcije, ko zaključijo vezje med termočlenom in RTD krmilnikom.
V bistvu, to je tisto, kar prenaša signal od termočlena do RTD, ki pretvori temperaturo v natančen odčitek. The outer insulation around the thermocouple wires as well as some single conductors are colour coded for easy identification.Yuling provide a wide range of temperature sensor wire and cables using various high performance materials. They have been manufactured at the highest quality.

Material | PTFE | PFA | PVC | Steklena vlakna | Silicij | Kap | Kvarčna vlakna |
Max temp(°C) | 260 | 260 | 108 | 400 | 200 | 400 | 800 |

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