4-20Ma smart pt100 temperature transmitter with rtd sensor temperature sensor

Temperature transmitter is a device that converts temperature readings from a sensor into a standardized signal for use in control systems. Used in industrial and commercial settings.

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Opis izdelka
4-20Ma smart pt100 temperature transmitter with rtd sensor temperature sensor

An RTD Temperature Transmitter (Resistance Temperature Detector or Resistance Temperature Device) is one of the most prevalent temperature sensors used in industry today. Običajno imenovan tudi PT100/PT1000, njegova posledična priljubljenost je posledica njegove natančnosti in odziva, pri temperaturah med -300 do + 600 ° C.

Kot senzor za merjenje temperature se uporablja industrijski toplotni upor. Običajno se uporablja z instrumenti, snemalniki, in elektronski regulatorji. Lahko neposredno meri ali nadzoruje tekočino, pare in plinasti mediji ter trdne snovi, v različnih proizvodnih procesih iz -200 °C do 600 °C. Temperatura površine.

V skladu z nacionalnimi predpisi, termočleni, izdelani v našem podjetju, izpolnjujejo IEC mednarodni standard stopnjevalne številke Pt100 platina toplotna odpornost, in poklicno standardno številko graduacije Cu50 toplotna odpornost bakra, dve vrsti montaže, toplotna odpornost poenotenega tipa konstrukcije.

temperature transmitter


* Uvožena originalna odpornost na platino (Pt100/Pt1000), dobra konsistenca; * High temperature measurement accuracy and reliable performance; * Two-layer package, good anti-vibration performance; * High mechanical strength and good pressure resistance. * Standard pipe thread installation

Aplikacija: Usually used in conjunction with display instruments, recording instruments, electronic computers, itd. Direct measurement of liquid, steam and gaseous media and solid surface measurement in the range of -200~500 °C in various production processes.
Measurement range
Accuracy level
Class A (±0.15°C+0.005|t|), Class B (±(0.30°C+0.005|t|)
Premer zaščitne cevi
Φ12 (special outer diameter please specify)
Protection tube material
nerjaveče jeklo 304,321,316
Thermal resistance wiring
two-wire wiring, three-wire wiring, four-wire wiring.
Thermal response time
T0.5 ≤ 45S (when the temperature changes stepwise, the output of the thermal resistance changes to 50% of the change, and thetime required is called thermal response time, expressed by T0.5).
Thermal resistance Nominal pressure
generally refers to the static external pressure, that can be withstood by the protective tube at room temperature withoutbreaking.
The minimum insertion depth of the thermal resistance
it should be no less than 8-10 times of the outer diameter of theprotection tube (except for special products).
Thermal resistance self-heating effect
When measuring the current 5mA through the thermal resistance, the measured resistance increment is converted into a temperature value of not more than 0.30 °C.
Thermal resistance insulation resistance
The test voltage of the normal temperature insulation resistance can be any valueof DC 10~100V, the ambient temperature is in the range of 15~35°C, in relativna vlažnost ne sme biti večja od 80%. Vrednost izolacijskega upora pri sobni temperaturi ne sme biti nižja od 100 MΩ.
Izvršni standardi
Standardi JB/T8622-1997 in JB/T8623-1997
temperature transmitter
temperature transmitter
Vodoodporen dizajn
Natančno varjenje navoja in zaščitne cevi zagotavlja tesnjenje in vodotesnost, Stabilno delovanje, vzdržljiv, dolga življenjska doba
temperature transmitter
Nežen oreh
Natančno delo
Proti koroziji
Odpornost proti rjavenju
temperature transmitter
Tri žice
Trižilni sistem
Sonda iz nerjavečega jekla
Bolj natančno
Oddajnik temperature Prikaz izdelka
temperature transmitter
temperature transmitter
temperature transmitter
temperature transmitter
temperaturni oddajnik pt100
temperature transmitter
Predstavitev podjetja
temperature transmitter
temperature transmitter


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