Peach heart shape Engine Block Heater for Che-vrolet

Peach heart shape Engine Block Heater for Che-vrolet


Peach heart shape Engine Block Heater for Che-vrolet
Opis izdelka
Peach heart shape
Peach heart shape

Uporaba izdelka

trucks, buses, light commercial vehicles and pickup trucks, construction machinery, mining machinery, agricultural machinery,ships, oil and gas fields, railways and generator sets, itd.

Kraj izvora
Blagovna znamka
automobile parts
Nerjaveče jeklo
Peach heart shape
Peach heart shape
Peach heart shape
Ocena strank
Peach heart shape
Peach heart shape
Profil podjetja

* Taizhou YuLing electrical appliance co.,ltd is a heating element manufacurer in China,Provinca Jiangsu.

* Yuling is professional in heating industrial več kot 40 leta,yuling can provide desinging and producing heating elements.

* yuling has received ISO system certification in CE CQC UL ROHS product testing certification. Our range of products is primarily sold in the European and American markets.

* We employ stringent quality control measures to ensure the superior quality of our products, and implement impeccable Standard Operating Procedures to enhance production efficiency, ultimately guaranteeing optimal benefits for our valued customers.
pogosta vprašanja

1. kdo smo mi?

1.od takrat opravljamo zunanjo trgovino 2010;

2.prodati na domačem trgu(50.00%),Severna Amerika(30.00%),Jugovzhodna Azija(10.00%),Zahodna Evropa(10.00%);

3. Imamo 500㎡ pisarn in 2500㎡ delavnic.

2. kako lahko zagotovimo kakovost?
1.Izdelujemo v strogem skladu s standardom vodenja kakovosti;
2.Delavnico pregledamo enkrat 2 ure;
3.Potrdite podrobnosti vzorca s stranko za vsako naročilo.
3.kaj lahko kupite pri nas?
1.Električna naprava (Takojšnji grelec,Rebrasti grelec,Grelni element pečice,Obtočni grelec);
2. Podobni izdelki;
3. če so druge potrebe, we also can help customers to purchase.
4. zakaj bi morali kupovati pri nas ne pri drugih dobaviteljih?
1.Več kot 40 leta’ industrijske izkušnje grelnih elementov;
2.UL(E501501)/CE/RoHS/CQC ISO9001:2008;
3.R&D tim in Laboratorij;
4.Povezovanje industrije in trgovine je zelo koristno za nabavo strank;
5.Izdelke v garancijskem roku bomo zamenjali brezplačno.
Pakiranje & Dostava
Peach heart shape

1.teža posameznega zaboja ne bo presegla 18 kg;

2.vsaka škatla bo označena z odpremnimi oznakami.


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