8″ Stainless Steel Coil Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric Core Component Used with 240V Volta

Heating element for stove oven electric is a replaceable metal part that generates heat when electricity flows through it. Used in various oven models.


Opis izdelka
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric

This product is used for various kinds of oven,totasters,BBQ,dryers and air heating systems.

To improve its’anti-oxidation corrosion-resistance,the tube is Nitriding treated in 1050℃therefore it has much longer life.
pecification parameter
Material plašča
Materiali se lahko spremenijo v baker,sus321,sus316L,incoloy804, incoloy800 po želji
Napetost/moč/toleranco je mogoče prilagoditi po potrebi,in toleranco moči(hladno stanje)+5%-10%
Premer cevi
Premer cevi je mogoče spremeniti na 8,0 mm,8.5mm,ali drugo, kot je zahtevano
Resistance Powder
Magnezijev oksid
Na zahtevo lahko uporabimo tudi druge praške
Odporna žica
Ocr25Al5 ali drug material na zahtevo
Terminal Faston
Ponikljano železo
Material ohišja terminala je lahko nerjavno železo,po potrebi iz nerjavečega jekla
Nerjaveče jeklo
Material terminala je lahko nerjavno železo,po potrebi iz nerjavečega jekla
3000 working hour or at least one year
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
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Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Pakiranje & Dostava
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
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Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
pogosta vprašanja
Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric
Kontaktni način

1 pregled za 8″ Stainless Steel Coil Heating Element for Stove Oven Electric Core Component Used with 240V Volta

  1. Zoe

    Robust and dependable, the stove heating element is a practical solution for my heating needs.

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