Coffee Steam Boiler Electric Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element

The Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element is a high-quality component that ensures optimal water heating for perfect coffee extraction and taste.

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Coffee Steam Boiler Electric Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Parameter specifikacije
Material plašča
Materials can be changed to be copper,sus321,sus316L,incoloy804, incoloy800 po želji
Napetost/moč/toleranco je mogoče prilagoditi po potrebi,in toleranco moči(hladno stanje)+5%-10%
Premer cevi
Tube diameter can be changed to 6.6mm,7mm,8.0mm,8.5mm,10mm or other as requested
Resistance Powder
Magnezijev oksid
Na zahtevo lahko uporabimo tudi druge praške
Odporna žica
Ocr25Al5 ali drug material na zahtevo
Terminal Faston
Ponikljano železo
Material ohišja terminala je lahko nerjavno železo,po potrebi iz nerjavečega jekla
Nerjaveče jeklo
Material terminala je lahko nerjavno železo,po potrebi iz nerjavečega jekla
Screw Thread
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kot zahteva
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Podobni izdelki
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Profil podjetja
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element
Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element

1 pregled za Coffee Steam Boiler Electric Coffee Machine Boiler Heating Element

  1. Lisa

    Haven’t had a single overheat or instability issue. This proves how vital its stability is.

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