Oven heater Coil tube air dryer oven baking heating element
Oven heater Coil tube air dryer oven baking heating element
Opis izdelka
Oven heater Coil tube air dryer oven baking heating element
The coil tube air dryer oven heater is a cylindrical electric heating element with two heads. Protected with stainless steel sheath. Double-head heaters are mainly used to heat solids, such as injection press heating plates or various tools, and double-head heaters can also be used to heat gas water under certain conditions.
The function of a heating element for an oven is to convert electrical energy into heat energy. When an electrical current flows through the heating element, it heats up and radiates heat into the oven. This heat can be controlled and directed to different areas of the oven, enabling precise temperature control for different cooking methods. The oven heating element also aids in the browning and crisping of foods, creating the desired texture and flavor profile. Overall, the function of a heating element in an oven is essential for efficient and effective cooking and baking.
warranty | 1 year |
voltage | 220V or Customized |
Moč | 2000W or Customized |
Material | Nerjaveče jeklo |
Origin | Jiangsu, Kitajska |
Znamka | YULING |
diameter | 8mm-30mm |
dimension | Prilagojeno |

Ocena strank

Pakiranje & Dostava

Profil podjetja
1)Taizhou Yuling Electrical Appliance Co., doo. je profesionalni proizvajalec, ki se ukvarja s cevnimi električnimi grelnimi elementi.
2)Yuling se je osredotočil na to industrijo 43 leta.
3)Since our establishment in 1996, we have been located in the renowned Qingtong Industrial Park, Okrožje Jiangyan, Mesto Taizhou, Provinca Jiangsu.
4)Pri Yulingu, ponosni smo na našo zavezanost kakovosti in varnosti, dokazujejo naši certifikati, kot je ISO9001:2008 mednarodni sistem kakovosti, Varnost izdelkov CQC,
CE, RoHS, in UL testiranje. Prizadevamo si ohranjati najvišje standarde naših izdelkov in storitev ter nenehno izboljševati proizvodne procese.
5)Veselimo se priložnosti za sodelovanje z vami in vam zagotovimo izjemne izdelke in storitve, po katerih smo znani.
pogosta vprašanja
1. Who are we?
1)We have been doing foreign trade since 2010;
2)Sell to Domestic Market(50.00%), Severna Amerika(30.00%), Jugovzhodna Azija(10.00%), Zahodna Evropa(10.00%);
3)We have 500m² of office and 2500m² of workshop.
2. How can we guarantee quality?
1)Izdelujemo v strogem skladu s standardom vodenja kakovosti;
2)Delavnico pregledamo enkrat 2 ure;
3)Potrdite podrobnosti vzorca s stranko za vsako naročilo.
3. What can you buy from us?
1)Električna naprava (Takojšnji grelec, Rebrasti grelec, Grelni element pečice, Obtočni grelec);
2)Podobni izdelki;
3)If there are other needs, we also can help customers to purchase.
4. Why should you buy from us not from other suppliers?
1)Več kot 40 leta’ heating element industrial experience;
2)UL(E501501)/CE/RoHS/CQC ISO9001:2008;
3)R&D tim in Laboratorij;
4)Povezovanje industrije in trgovine je zelo koristno za nabavo strank;
5)Izdelke v garancijskem roku bomo zamenjali brezplačno;
6)We have 9 tests, good performance
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