Thermocouple Wire Fiberglass Insulation Stainless Steel Shield Type K KX Thermocouple Cable
Firul de termocuplu este un fir specializat folosit pentru măsurarea temperaturii. Este alcătuit din două fire metalice diferite răsucite împreună pentru a crea o tensiune proporțională cu temperatura.
Thermocouple Wire Fiberglass Insulation Stainless Steel Shield Type K KX Thermocouple Cable
Un termocuplu este un senzor utilizat în mod obișnuit pentru măsurarea temperaturii. The wire and cable for thermocouples and temperature sensors are a vital part of the construction, as they complete the circuit between the thermocouple and the RTD controller.
Essentially, this is what carries the signal from the thermocouple to the RTD which converts the temperature into an accurate reading. The outer insulation around the thermocouple wires as well as some single conductors are color coded for easy identification.Yuling provide a wide range of temperature sensor wire and cables using various high performance materials. They have been manufactured at the highest quality.

Material | PTFE | PFA | PVC | Fibra de sticla | Siliciu | Capt | Fibră de cuarț |
Temp. max(°C) | 260 | 260 | 108 | 400 | 200 | 400 | 800 |

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