00-0035-0137 Igniter 20189 for Thelin Pellet Stove Igniter, 120 Volți 4250 wați

The Thelin Pellet Stove Igniter is a powerful and reliable device that quickly and easily starts your pellet stove, allowing you to enjoy a warm and cozy home.


  • 00-0035-0137 Igniter 20189 for Thelin Stove, 120 Volți 4250 wați
  • Top OEM quality

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1 recenzie pentru 00-0035-0137 Igniter 20189 for Thelin Pellet Stove Igniter, 120 Volți 4250 wați

  1. Emma

    Top-grade! Notable increase in performance. Cheers!

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