Showing 28–36 de 68 rezultate

  • Industrial M6 M8 Screw Thermocouple K Type...

    Screw Thermocouple: Temperature sensor that uses a threaded probe, ideal for measuring surface temperature of plastics, rubber and similar materials.

  • Industrial M6 M8 thread screw K/J type the...

    Screw K/J type thermocouple is a simple and reliable temperature sensor used in various industrial applications for temperature measurement.

  • Oțel inoxidabil industrial tip k 0-1200 t...

    Thermocouple K-Type PT100 Sensor is a reliable and accurate temperature sensing device suitable for use in various industrial applications.
  • K Type Thermocouple wire KX/KC Thermocoup...

    Thermocouple wire: Two dissimilar metal wires joined together at one end used to accurately measure temperature in a wide range of applications.

  • K-Type Thermocouple Probe Stainless Steel ...

    Armored Thermocouple is a temperature sensor consisting of a thermocouple enclosed in a protective metal sheath for use in harsh environments.

  • K/E/J/T type assembly thermocouple tempera...

  • K/J/PT100 type Flexible Thermocouple Senso...

    Flexible thermocouple sensor probe is a bendable temperature sensor used for measuring temperature in hard-to-reach places.

  • Mesh type K type surface thermocouple Soli...

    Un termocuplu de suprafață este un tip de termocuplu care este conceput pentru a măsura temperatura unei suprafețe fără a intra în contact.

  • Platinum Rhodium Thermocouple S Type Therm...

    Platinum Rhodium Thermocouple is a high-precision temperature measuring device that consists of two wiresplatinum and rhodium.