07XABamp Replacement Igniter Hot Rod for Jamestown J2000, 6″ 350여

The Replacement Igniter is a reliable and efficient solution that guarantees a fast and effective start-up of your stove.


07XABamp Replacement Igniter Hot Rod for Jamestown J2000, 6″ 350여

  • 350여, 3/8″ DIAMETER, 6″ LONG, 12″ WIRE LEADS
  • FITS J2000 Models Part # 07XAB
  • 120V

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Replacement Igniter Hot Rod

1 검토하다 07XABamp Replacement Igniter Hot Rod for Jamestown J2000, 6″ 350여

  1. 아바타의 Peter


    Reliable product! Significant improvement in efficiency.

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