Enging 블록 히터 120V 플러그용 VANORM 플러그 보호기

Plug Protector for Engine Block Heater is a reliable and efficient component that prevents damage to the power cord and plug, ensuring safe use of the engine block heater.


Enging 블록 히터 120V 플러그용 VANORM 플러그 보호기

About this item
  • High quality PVC material supply higher strength and weather resistence.
  • OEM design fits better for the plugs
  • 색상: Black

Plug Protector for Enging Block Heater

1 검토하다 Enging 블록 히터 120V 플러그용 VANORM 플러그 보호기

  1. Diana Prince

    이 히터가 얼마나 잘 작동하는지 보고 놀랐습니다.. 가격 대비 훌륭한 가치!

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