Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053 Wall Oven Heating Element Cooking Heating Element

Direct replacement for new WB44T10053 delivers efficient and reliable heating performance for GE ovens, ensuring optimal baking and cooking results.

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Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053 Wall Oven Heating Element Cooking Heating Element

WB44T10053 Convection Element is a genuine OEM (원래 장비 제조업체) 정확한 사양에 맞게 설계 및 제작된 부품. It is a circular element that provides the heat when cooking in convection mode and fits with brands including GE, Kenmore, and Kenmore Elite. It is recommended to disconnect the appliance from all utilities prior to installation of the Silverware Basket.

Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
WB44T10053 Convection Element Wall Oven Heating Element
240V 2500W
insulation resistance
Leakage current
0.5mA 이하
Shelf life
3 연령
세부 이미지
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
관련 상품
고객 평가
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
회사 정보
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053
Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053

1 검토하다 Direct Replacement for New WB44T10053 Wall Oven Heating Element Cooking Heating Element

  1. Richard

    The design fits my oven perfectly. The oven heating element is a baking breakthrough!

리뷰 추가

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