3kw/6kw/9kw/12kw/15kw Electric Industrial ...
Tubular immersion water heater. Made of high-grade materials. Efficient and fast heating. Tartós és hosszú élettartamú. Easy to install and maintain. Ideal for heating liquids at high temperatures.
Showing 28–36 -ból 51 eredményeket
Tubular immersion water heater. Made of high-grade materials. Efficient and fast heating. Tartós és hosszú élettartamú. Easy to install and maintain. Ideal for heating liquids at high temperatures.
Water heating element. Made of high-quality materials. Easy to install and maintain. Provides constant hot water supply. Fast heating and energy efficient. Tartós és hosszú élettartamú.
The Industrial Tubular Immersion Water Heater is a heavy-duty heating element used to heat water in bulk and withstands harsh industrial environments.
The Immersion Coil Water Heater is a reliable and efficient heating solution used to heat water in various liquid heating applications, providing constant hot water supply.
A merülő sörfűtő egy erőteljes fűtési megoldás, amelyet nagy mennyiségű folyadék felmelegítésére használnak sörfőzési alkalmazásokban, egyenletes és megbízható hőátadást biztosít.
The Water Tubular Heating Element is a reliable and efficient heating solution that heats water in various industrial and commercial applications, ensuring consistent hot water availability.
Copper water heater element is a durable and efficient heating element made of copper used in water heaters for heating water for household use.
Heating element for solar water heater. Provides backup heating for cloudy days. Könnyen telepíthető. Energiahatékony. Tartós és hosszú élettartamú. Maintains consistent water temperature.
Screw plug immersion cartridge heaters. Easy to install and maintain. Suitable for heating liquids and gases. Tartós és hosszú élettartamú. High efficiency and energy-saving. Provides even and consistent heat.