WZP-187 PT100 Thermocouple CU50 M12 Thermo...
A Temperature Sensor Probe is a device used to measure temperature by inserting a probe into the material being measured.
Showing 64–68 -ból 68 eredményeket
A Temperature Sensor Probe is a device used to measure temperature by inserting a probe into the material being measured.
WZP-187 PT100 Thermocouple with good repeatability and stability, suitable for precise temperature measurement in various industries.
WZP-187 Resistive thermal is a type of resistive thermal that is used for temperature control in various industrial applications.
Pt100 temperature sensor platinum RTD with high accuracy and stability, suitable for measuring a wide temperature range.
A hőmérséklet-érzékelő távadóval egy olyan eszköz, amely egy hőmérséklet-érzékelőt és egy távadót kombinál, hogy pontos hőmérséklet-leolvasást biztosítson..