pt100 resistance thermometer pt1000 temper...
pt1000 thermocouple
Showing 1–9 -ból 68 eredményeket
A temperature sensor is a device that measures temperature and converts it into an electrical signal. Widely used in industrial, commercial, and residential applications.
S type thermocouple with ceramic is a temperature measurement device that uses a ceramic protection tube to shield the thermocouple.
Screw Probe Thermocouple: Temperature sensor with a threaded probe used to measure temperature in solid materials and liquids.
A hőmérsékletszonda érzékelő egy olyan eszköz, amely különféle alkalmazásokban hőmérséklet mérésére szolgál. A szonda általában kicsi, lineáris alakú eszköz, amely a mért anyagba illeszthető a pontos hőmérséklet-leolvasás érdekében.
A platinum rhodium thermocouple is a high-precision device that measures temperature using two different metal wires. One wire is made of platinum, and the other is made of rhodium.
A platinum rhodium thermocouple is a high-precision device that measures temperature using two different metal wires. One wire is made of platinum, and the other is made of rhodium.