Showing 298–306 kohta 527 tulemusi

  • DC47-00019A Dryer Heating Element Replaces...

    Dryer heating element is a part of a clothes dryer that produces heat to dry clothes. Usually made of metal or ceramic. Replaceable if damaged.

  • Custom Household Smokeless Electric Oven H...

    Smokeless electric oven heating tube. Valmistatud vastupidavatest ja kuumakindlatest materjalidest. Energiasäästlik ja kauakestev. Lihtne paigaldada ja hooldada. Provides even and rapid heating. Smokeless and pollution-free.

  • E/K Compression Spring Thermocouple Shield...

    Highly accurate compression spring thermocouple design, suitable for measuring temperature in tight spaces or high-vibration environments.

  • E/K Compression Spring Type Thermocouple S...

    Compression spring type thermocouple: Temperature sensor with a spring-loaded probe that ensures constant contact for accurate temperature measurement in tight spaces.

  • Electric Coil Heating Element for Stove Ov...

    Kütteelement ahjule. Valmistatud vastupidavatest ja kuumakindlatest materjalidest. Tagab ühtlase soojusjaotuse. Energiasäästlik ja kauakestev. Ühildub erinevate pliitidega.

  • CE Customization 240V 2585W Air Tubular Ov...

    Oven heating element is a metal coil that produces heat when electricity flows through it. Essential for baking. Replaceable if damaged.

  • Electric Coil Heating Element for Stove Ov...

    The Coil Heating Element for Stove is a high-performance heating solution used in stovetop cooking applications, ensuring efficient and consistent heat transfer.

  • electric dry heating element for washing m...

    Dry heating element is a heating device that uses electric energy to generate heat without the use of liquid or gas.

  • Engine Block Heater Repair Kit Kubota 7000...

    The Engine Block Heater is a necessary tool for cold-weather engine starting, providing reliable and quick engine warm-up.