Näitab 10–18 kohta 36 tulemusi

  • 8 ” Electric Stove oven Coil cooking...

    The heating element for electric stove generates heat by converting electricity. Made of metal wire. Replaceable if damaged.

  • 8 ” Heating Element For Electric Sto...

    The Heating Element for Electric Stove is a necessary component that provides heat for cooking on stovetops, ensuring efficient and consistent heat transfer.

  • 8″ Stainless Steel Coil Heating Elem...

    Heating element for stove oven electric is a replaceable metal part that generates heat when electricity flows through it. Used in various oven models.

  • 5 turns stove heating element for Family

    Stove heating element is a crucial component of an electric or gas stove used for heating the stove top to cook food.

  • 8″ Stainless Steel Coil Heating Elem...

    The Heating Element for Stove Electric is an essential component that provides heat for cooking on stovetops, ensuring efficient and consistent heat transfer.

  • 8″ Stainless Steel Coil Heating Elem...

    Kütteelement ahjule. Valmistatud vastupidavatest ja kuumakindlatest materjalidest. Tagab ühtlase soojusjaotuse. Energiasäästlik ja kauakestev. Ühildub erinevate pliitidega.

  • 4turn 240v electric furnace heating elemen...

    heating element for oven is a powerful and efficient heating solution used for heating the oven cavity in cooking appliances.
  • Diffusion Pump Heater Element Heating Element

    The Diffusion Pump Heater Element is a reliable and efficient heating solution used in vacuum applications, ensuring optimal pump performance.

  • Customized Electric Oven Resistance Heatin...

    Oven resistance heating element is a replaceable part of an oven that heats up the oven using resistance generated by an electric current. Made of metal.