1625C Wear Resistant Gun Type Silicon Carb...
Silicon carbide heater element is a type of heating element made of silicon carbide material. Suitable for high temperature applications up to 1600°C. Long lifespan and efficient heating.
Tubular heaters are a versatile and highly efficient way of heating a wide range of materials and products. They are commonly used in applications such as manufacturing processes, food processing, and industrial heating systems. Tubular heaters are easy to install and maintain, and they provide an excellent level of control over temperature and heat distribution.
These heaters are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide long-lasting performance. They are available in a range of sizes and configurations to suit different applications, and they can be customized to meet specific requirements. Tubular heaters are also very energy-efficient, helping to reduce costs and improve the sustainability of heating systems
Showing 82–90 kohta 169 tulemusi
Silicon carbide heater element is a type of heating element made of silicon carbide material. Suitable for high temperature applications up to 1600°C. Long lifespan and efficient heating.
The Silicon Carbide Heating Element is a reliable and efficient heating solution used in various industrial heating applications, ensuring consistent heat transfer.
Oven heating element is an essential component in electric ovens used for heating the oven cavity to the desired temperature for cooking.
Heating element for electric stove is a powerful and efficient heating solution used in cooking appliances to heat the stove top for cooking food.
Replacement Heating Element for Smoker: Keep Your Smoker Running Smoothly!
Have you been using your smoker for a while and noticed that the heating element is not working properly? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our replacement heating element for smoker is here to keep your smoking game going strong! Made with high-quality materials and designed for easy installation, our heating element is guaranteed to give you the perfect amount of heat to keep your meat smoking to perfection. Don’t let a faulty heating element stand in the way of your perfect BBQ. So, go ahead and place your order today and get ready to experience perfectly cooked meat every time!
Stove coil cooking heating element. Provides even and consistent heat. Made of heat-resistant materials. Energiasäästlik ja kauakestev. Lihtne paigaldada ja hooldada. Compatible with a variety of stove models.
Oven tubular heater element is a metal tube that generates heat when electricity flows through it. Commonly used in ovens. Replaceable if damaged.
Silicon carbide rod heating element. High-temperature resistance. Fast and efficient heating. Vastupidav ja kauakestev. Energia säästlik. Lihtne paigaldada ja hooldada.
The heating element for electric stove generates heat by converting electricity. Made of metal wire. Replaceable if damaged.
Vanorm pakub autotööstusele OEM-lahendusi, autotööstuse ja järelturu komponentide tootmisrajatiste jaoks oluliste toodete tarnimine.
Olenemata sellest, kas töötate välja uut toodet või soovite olemasolevat täiustada, Vanorm on spetsialiseerunud erinevate rakenduste jaoks kohandatud toitlustusteenuste soojuslahenduste pakkumisele, sealhulgas toiduvalmistamine, serveerimine, ettevalmistus, ja pakendamine.
Vanorm Heating Solutions Group on pühendunud disainile, katsetamine, ja tippkvaliteediga kütteseadmete tootmine HVAC-tööstusele. Tarnime juhtivatele HVAC originaalseadmete tootjatele kõrgeima kaliibriga kütteseadmeid nii äri- kui ka eluruumide jaoks.
Vanormil on meditsiinitööstuse jaoks kohandatud küttekehade tarnimise kogemus tõestatud, spetsiaalselt loodud kasutamiseks diagnostikaseadmetes, laboritööriistad, patsiendi mugavus, ja raviseadmed.
Yulingi tooted on rahvusvahelise kvaliteedisüsteemi sertifikaadiga, CQC ohutuskinnitus, Euroopa CE, UL, ja RoHS sertifikaadid, tagades tipptasemel kvaliteedi ja ohutuse
Alates sukelsoojenditest kuni torukujuliste ja kassettsoojenditeni, Yuling pakub mitmekülgset valikut, pakkudes laia valikut küttevajadusi tööstuslikes rakendustes.
Yuling ulatub toodetest kaugemale, igakülgsete kütteprojektide projekteerimisteenuste pakkumine, garanteerides mitte ainult kvaliteetseid, vaid ka kohandatud komponente, tõhusad küttesüsteemid.
Yuling on spetsialiseerunud kütteelementide tööstusele, pakkudes professionaalset mittestandardset kohandamist, täiustatud tootmisseadmete kasutamine, ülemeremaade tehnilise toe pakkumine, ja garantiiperioodide pikendamine klientide võrratu rahulolu tagamiseks.
Yuling on omandanud GB/T19001-2008 rahvusvahelise kvaliteedisüsteemi sertifikaadi, CQC tooteohutuse sertifikaat, Euroopa CE ,UL sertifikaat ja RoHS sertifikaat.
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