Showing 46–54 kohta 83 tulemusi

  • Mesh type K type surface thermocouple Soli...

    Pinna termopaar on teatud tüüpi termopaar, mis on ette nähtud pinna temperatuuri mõõtmiseks ilma kontakti tekitamata.

  • Platinum Rhodium Thermocouple S Type Therm...

    Platinum Rhodium Thermocouple is a high-precision temperature measuring device that consists of two wiresplatinum and rhodium.

  • Probe Bending High Temperature Sensor Armo...

    Highly durable armored thermocouple with strong protection against abrasion, corrosion, and impact.

  • Probe Bending High Temperature Sensor Ther...

    High Temperature Sensor Thermocouple: Durable temperature sensor with high temperature resistance, ideal for measuring temperature in furnaces, kilns, and other extreme high temperature environments.

  • PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe Transmitter...

    A Temperature Sensor Probe Transmitter is a device that combines a temperature sensor, a probe, and a transmitter to provide accurate temperature measurements.

  • PT100 Temperature Transmitter Sensor Probe...

    PT100 Temperature Transmitter Sensor Probe is a highly sensitive device that measures temperature and transmits data to control systems in industrial applications.

  • PTFE/PFA/FEP insulation J//K/T type compen...

    Termopaari kaabel on teatud tüüpi spetsiaalne traat, mida kasutatakse termopaaride ühendamiseks temperatuuri jälgimisseadmetega. See koosneb kahest erinevast metallist, mis on kokku keeratud, et luua pinge, mis muutub vastuseks temperatuurimuutustele.

  • PVC Insulation TX type Thermocouple cable ...

    Termopaari kaabel on spetsiaalne kahejuhtmeline kaabel, mida kasutatakse termopaaride ühendamiseks temperatuuri jälgimisseadmetega.

  • Replacement Quadrafire Thermocouple 812-44...

    Replacement Quadrafire Thermocouple is a reliable component that senses the temperature in Quadrafire stoves, ensuring proper functioning of the stove.