Showing 37–45 de 68 resultados

  • Sonda que dobla la armadura del sensor de alta temperatura..

    Termopar blindado de alta durabilidad con fuerte protección contra la abrasión, corrosión, e impacto.

  • Probe Bending High Temperature Sensor Ther...

    Termopar del sensor de alta temperatura: Sensor de temperatura duradero con resistencia a altas temperaturas, ideal para medir la temperatura en hornos, hornos, y otros ambientes con temperaturas extremadamente altas.

  • PT100 Temperature Sensor Probe Transmitter...

    A Temperature Sensor Probe Transmitter is a device that combines a temperature sensor, a probe, and a transmitter to provide accurate temperature measurements.

  • PT100 Temperature Transmitter Sensor Probe...

    PT100 Temperature Transmitter Sensor Probe is a highly sensitive device that measures temperature and transmits data to control systems in industrial applications.

  • PTFE/PFA/FEP insulation J//K/T type compen...

    Thermocouple cable is a type of specialized wire that is used to connect thermocouples to temperature monitoring devices. It consists of two different metals twisted together to create a voltage that changes in response to temperature changes.

  • Termopar Quadrafire de repuesto 812-44...

    Replacement Quadrafire Thermocouple is a reliable component that senses the temperature in Quadrafire stoves, ensuring proper functioning of the stove.

  • RTD PT100 Temperature Transmitter Sensor M...

    A Temperature Transmitter Sensor is a combination of a temperature transmitter and a temperature sensor. It measures the temperature using a sensor and converts it into a standardized output signal using a transmitter.

  • S Type Platinum Rhodium Probe Temperature ...

    Un sensor de temperatura de sonda de platino y rodio es un dispositivo de medición de temperatura de alta precisión que utiliza un elemento sensor de platino y rodio..

  • S/B/R type small platinum rhodium thermoco...

    El termopar de platino y rodio es un dispositivo de medición de temperatura de alta precisión que consta de dos cables. – platino y rodio.