Taizhou Yuling Electrical Appliance Co.,ltd
22 years in the production process of plastic packing belt
and waste plastic recycling equipment
Mere end 10 experie experiences in women shoes trading and manufacturing
Taizhou Yuling Electrical Appliance Co.,LTD is a professional manufacturers of tubular heating elements.Yuling has more than 40 flere år’ experience in this field.Yuling brand is created in 1996,Yuling factory is located in Jiangsu Province.
Yuling vigtigste produkter: elpatron,rørvarmere,patronvarmere og så videre, Fabrikken kan også levere varme Porject Design
Yuling har erhvervet GB/T19001-2008 International kvalitetssystem certificering, CQC produktsikkerhedscertifikat, Europæisk CE ,UL-certifikat og RoHS-certificering.
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Hvorfor vælge os?

- Fokus på varmeelementindustrien siden 1971
- Professionel ikke-standard tilpasning
- Avanceret produktionsudstyr
- Yde oversøisk teknisk support
- Forlænget garantiperiode
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